Journalistic Reporting

We have combined the Big, Huge Labs website and the Book Creator app to produce Sci-Try Magazine from Rm31Corp!  Big, Huge Labs offers a feature to design a magazine cover.  Once students have designed the cover, it can be downloaded and used as the cover of an e-magazine created in Book Creator.  Investigative reporters make great writers!  I frequently ask teams of students to report on experiments performed in the classroom.  These reporters write articles to include in our scientific magazine.  I have shared the fact that I am a free-lance writer for Art Doll Quarterly magazine, and I have explained how magazines pay authors to write articles.  That little fact cost me!  Students convinced me that any article making into the final publication deserves payment of our class money.  I love life lessons!

Journalistic reporting requires students to write articles for a newspaper or magazine.  Students make real-world connections to the science content while communicating information to the audience.  Journalistic reporting also stirs student interest (Michigan Science Teachers Association and The Office of School Improvement, n.d.).  Students learn to write concise, accurate information that "piques the reader's interest" (Michigan Science Teachers Association and The Office of School Improvement, n.d.).


Michigan Science Teachers Association and The Office of School Improvement. (n.d.). Writing across the curriculum. Retrieved from

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